The Lesser Known Benefits Of Car Window Tinting

There are many benefits to auto window tinting. Most people know that tinting the windows helps to block sunlight helping to keep your car cooler and making it easier for you to see the road on a bright and sunny day. But there are many other benefits to car window tinting beyond these benefits and most are benefits that you may be unaware of. Here are a few of the lesser known benefits of car window tinting. [Read More]

Do You Really Need To Have Your Windows Replaced? Here Is How You Will Know

Replacing all of the windows in your house can be a major chore. It can also be rather expensive and this is why you will want to make sure that you are well versed in the signs that you actually need to opt for window replacement. Even if you do need to find a window replacement contractor, you might find that you only need a few windows replaced, instead of all of them. [Read More]

Control Your Summer Energy Costs Through Window Maintenance

Energy costs can rise rapidly in the summertime, especially if you live somewhere the experiences really hot or humid summers. Performing regular maintenance and care on your windows is one way to fight back against high energy costs. #1 Change Out The Window Sash The window sash is basically the plastic frame that goes around your window. It is the part of the frame on the side of your window that allows you to slide your window up and down. [Read More]

4 Ways To Protect Your Windows When You Live In Storm Country

Any homeowner with a home located in an area of the country that experiences tornadoes or frequent high-powered wind storms need to make sure that they know how to properly protect their windows when these types of storms hit. #1 Shatter Resistant Windows The first place to start is with the window themselves. You can now purchase windows that are designed to be shatter-resistant. In reality, they are not perfectly shatter-resistant. [Read More]